
My Personal Disclosure

The United States Federal Trade Commission requires disclosure of any relationships between a product manufacturer and or a service provider. Here are the guidelines operated for this site, javaflightschool.com:

I am never paid to do a review, for a product or service. I invest my own time to review products and use my own money to produce all videos and information on this web site.

I make every endeavour to make every effort to accurately represent any affiliate relationships with other products and services.

The information on this website or in emails is my opinion and views expressed are mine.

You’re success in affiliate marketing is fully dependant your on dedication, desire and motivation to do so. I should no and cannot promise you any result.

It’s important for me to be completely transparent with you. So you understand that I – wait for it! Drum roll please……I make a money being an affiliate for products.

Certain links on the site may connect to a product review. Sometimes I may even get paid a commission if you purchase the product, service or submit your details to the offer through my affiliate links.

It is good to have rules and practices for the online world and it’s important for you as to understand the relationship between a person reviewing any product and the manufacturer or service provider.

Whenever you visit a site and you don’t see a disclosure policy as part of a review of a product, that reviewer may be violating some law. Or at best, a Code of Ethics.

Kindest regards
